Proposals from those who would like to facilitate a panel discussion are welcomed. The proposals may address any of the topics falling within the scope of the conference themes.
Panel Discussions provide an opportunity for public discussion amongst a selected group of panelists. Central to the success of a panel discussion is the choice of a good topic as the focus for discussion and panellists who bring differing perspectives and are confident in making clear arguments in a live situation. Panels should comprise of three to five scholars who present their arguments; a discussant offers critical comment on the arguments made and the discussion is opened up to the participating audience.
- Title
- Panel Chair(s) (if necessary)
- Speakers Name, Affiliation and Email
- Scope
- Objective and motivation
The WCE-2025 will set aside space for those who wish to pursue discussion of a particular topic or issue. Interested individuals should submit a proposal not more than 400 words, on or before the 25th of January, 2025. In addition, the proposal should indicate the duration of the panel discussion (preferred duration is 40 minutes).
All accepted Panel Discussion proposal will be published in the Conference Proceedings. If you are interested in organising Panel Discussion for the WCE-2025, please email your proposal to Submissions should be in MS Word format.
- The panel discussion members and session speakers are responsible for meeting the costs of their registration, travel and accommodation.
- Journal Publications: All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified version of selected papers will be published in special issues peer reviewed journals